
Posts Tagged ‘notice board’

Recently I have seen so many blog posts with before and after shots of office areas being revitalized and it got me thinking about my own and how it needed a bit of an update. I wouldn’t exactly call mine an ‘office’ as it is just a desk in my bedroom but still! This is what I started with:Image

So as you can see I had a very messy desk space with no room for me to work at and a generally uninspiring area. So firstly I decided it was time to change my wall decoration:


I have had this poster for years and I still absolutely adore it, it is one of my favourite images of all time, but it is time for a change and I wanted something that I could change and add to over time and so decided it was time to get a noticeboard:


I have boxes and boxes filled with images ranging from magazine cut outs to greetings cards and so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for me to get some on display! I didn’t really have a plan or theme I just looked through all the images I have, as well as going through some of my newer magazines, and picked out the ones that stood out the most for me at that time. After spray painting the noticeboard’s frame a deep scarlet colour I arranged my chosen images. I am really happy with the result and the deeper colours of my mood board, compared to the pale hues of the Venice poster, have completely transformed the look of my room, which I am really pleased about. 

Next it was time to move onto the desk, after I cleared and cleaned it, it was ready to go. There wasn’t much I wanted to do to it but I needed to cover up the nails on the front panel as they really bugged me being so visible!


So first thing first I cut a piece of wrapping paper to the right size and glued it on to that front panel. I then wanted to cover up those horrible plasticy handles, instead of buying new ones. I decided to do this by wrapping different coloured ribbon around them and tying lots of knots to leave all the ends showing and making it look intentionally shabby! I chose ribbons in corresponding colours to the wrapping paper to tie the two sides together and give the desk a bit of character:


This is one of the handles in closer detail:


So finally, my new work area was complete and I now have space to write this blog on a nice tidy desk and sitting in a comfortable chair with my new mood board to inspire me! I can see why office area makeovers have been so popular!



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